备考FRM二级考试中,考生对于知识的记忆用思维导图对于考生是很方便的。Introduction of Credit Risk是信用风险管理与测量的内容,下面小编为大家用思维导图的方式为大家介绍一下相关知识,希望对备考的你有所帮助!
一、Credit Decision and Credit Analyst
1、Four primary components of credit risk evaluation:
The borrower’s capacity and willingness to repay the loan
The external environment
The characteristics of the credit instrument
The quality and adequacy of risk mitigants》》》点击领取2021年FRM备考资料大礼包(戳我免费领取)
2、Qualitative credit analysis:
Gather information
Face to face meetings
"Name lending"
Inferring past performance into the future
3、Quantitative credit analysis:》》》点我咨询21年FRM备考技巧
financial statements
二、Capital Structure in Banks
1、Credit Risk Factors
Probability of Default (PD)
Exposure Amount (EA)
Loss Rate (LR)
2、Expected loss (EL)
3、Unexpected losses (UL)
4、Portfolio Expected and Unexpected Loss【资料下载】点击下载融跃教育FRM考试公式表
Expected loss of portfolio is the sum of expected loss of each asset
portfolio unexpected loss (ULp)