A recently published article on issues with value at risk (VaR) estimates included the following statements.
Statement 1: Differences in the use of confidence intervals and time horizon
can cause significant variability in VaR estimates as there is lack of
uniformity in practice.》》》2021年新版FRM一二级内部资料免费领取!【精华版】
Statement 2: Standardization of confidence interval and time horizon would eliminate most of the variability in VaR estimates.【资料下载】点击下载融跃教育FRM二级学习计划
The article’s statements are most likely correct with regard to:
A) Statement 1 only.
B) Statement 2 only.
C) Both statements.
D) Neither statement.
解析:Statement 1 is correct as variability in risk measures, including lack of uniformity in the use of confidence intervals and time horizons, can lead to variability in VaR estimates. Statements 2 is incorrect as other factors can also cause variability, including length of the time series under analysis, ways of estimating moments, mapping techniques, decay factors, and number of simulations.