在FRM考试中,考生需要记忆的内容有很多,比如Quantifying volatility in VaR models。下文是对Quantifying volatility in VaR models内容的详细介绍,一起了解一下!
Deviations from normality:
Normal returns;
Symmetrical distribution——“Normal” Tails——Stable distribution》2022年新版FRM一二级内部资料免费领取!【精华版】
Actual financial returns;
Skewed——Fat-tailed (leptokurtosis)——Time-varying parameters
Fat tails & Regime-switching volatility model:
Existence of fat tails;
A distribution is unconditional if tomorrow’s distribution is the same as today’s distribution.
But fat tails could be explained by a conditional distribution: a distribution that changes over time.
Regime-switching volatility model:
the regime (state) switches from low to high volatility, but is never in between.
a risk manager may assume (and measure) an unconditional volatility but the distribution is actually regime switching.