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Risk-neutral default probability and real-world (or physical) default probability are used in the analysis of credit risk. Which one of the following statements on their uses is correct?》》2021年新版FRM一二级内部资料免费领取!【精华版】

A) Real-world default probability should be used in scenario analyses of potential future losses from defaults, and real-world default probability should also be used in valuing credit derivatives.

B) Real-world default probability should be used in scenario analyses of potential future losses from defaults, but risk-neutral default probability should be used in valuing credit derivatives.

C) Risk-neutral default probability should be used in scenario analyses of potential future losses from defaults, and risk-neutral default probability should also be used in valuing credit derivatives.

D) Risk-neutral default probability should be used in scenario analyses of potential future losses from defaults, but real-world default probability should also be used in valuing credit derivatives.



解析:A. Incorrect. Risk-neutral default probability should be used in valuing credit derivatives.

B. Correct. Real-world default probability should be used in scenario analyses of potential future losses from defaults, but risk-neutral default probability should be used in valuing credit derivatives. 【资料下载】FRM一级思维导图PDF版

C. Incorrect. Real-world default probability should be used in scenario analyses of potential future losses from defaults

D. Incorrect. Real-world default probability should be used in scenario analyses of potential future losses from defaults

Which of the following statements is true about netting?

A) It allows a firm to pay only the losses.

B) It allows a firm to net its transaction with a given counterparty.

C) It allows a firm to net all of its gains against all of its losses.

D) It allows a firm to pay the losses only if the counterparty defaults.


解析:Netting can be used to reduce credit exposure by allowing firms to net its transaction with a given counterparty.


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