估值与建模(Valuation and Risk Models)在2021年FRM考试中占比仍然是30%。
Valuation and Risk Models(估值与风险建模)考纲变化:
Chapter 1. Measures of Financial Risk
Describe spectral risk measures and explain how VaR and ES are special cases of spectral risk measures.
Chapter 2. Calculating and Applying VaR
Explain the full revaluation method for computing VaR.
Compare delta-normal and full revaluation approaches for computing VaR.
Chapter 3. Measuring and Monitoring Volatility
Evaluate the various approaches for estimating VaR.
Chapter 8. Stress Testing
Describe the key elements of effective governance over stress testing.
Describe the important role of the internal audit in stress testing governance and control.
Chapter 13. Modeling Non-Parallel Term Structure Shifts and Hedging
Describe and assess the major weakness attributable to single-factor approaches when hedging portfolios or implementing asset liability techniques.
Describe the key rate exposure technique in multi-factor hedging applications; summarize its advantages and disadvantages.
Chapter 2. Calculating and Applying VaR
Explain the structured Monte Carlo method for computing VaR and identify its strengths and weaknesses. (2021)
Explain structured Monte Carlo and stress testing methods for computing VaR and identify strengths and weaknesses of each approach. (2020)
Chapter 4. External and Internal Credit Ratings
Explain and compare the through-the-cycle and point-in-time internal ratings approaches. (2021)
Explain and compare the through-the-cycle and at-the-point internal ratings approaches. (2020)
Describe the relationships between changes in credit ratings and changes in stock prices, bond prices, and credit default swap spreads. (2021)
Explain the potential impact of ratings changes on bond and stock prices. (2020)
Chapter 7. Operational Risk
Explain how the moral hazard and adverse selection problems faced by insurance companies relate to insurance against operational risk. (2021)
Explain the risks of moral hazard and adverse selection when using insurance to mitigate operational risks. (2020)
Chapter 8. Stress Testing
Explain key considerations and challenges related to stress testing, including choice of scenarios, regulatory specifications, model building, and reverse stress testing. (2021)
Identify key aspects of stress testing governance, including choice of scenarios, regulatory specifications, model building, stress-testing coverage, capital and liquidity stress testing and reverse stress testing. (2020)
Describe stressed VaR and stressed ES and compare the process of determining stressed VaR and ES to that of traditional VaR and ES. (2021)
Explain the importance of stressed inputs and their importance in stressed VaR and stressed ES. (2020)
Describe the responsibilities of the board of directors, senior management, and the internal audit function in stress testing governance. (2021)
Describe the responsibilities of the board of directors and senior management in stress testing activities. (2020)
Chapter 10. Interest Rates
Define spot rate and compute discount factors given spot rates. (2021)
Define spot rate and compute spot rates given discount factors. (2020)
Chapter 13. Modeling Non-Parallel Term Structure Shifts and Hedging
Compute the positions in hedging instruments necessary to hedge the key rate risks of a portfolio. (2021)
Calculate the key rate exposures for a given security and compute the appropriate hedging positions given a specific key rate exposure profile. (2020)